Monday, April 7, 2014

Living Life As An OCD Woman

Sh*t!  It's 4pm and I'm realizing that I haven't yet worked out, I have about 35 emails to respond to, taxes to file, a suitcase to pack, laundry to do and an apartment to clean!  Where has the day gone?!  How do I still have so much to do?!  I have no idea as to the answers to the first two questions, but what I can tell you is that I have one hell of a "To Do" list created!  

My friends and family can tell you that I'm an OCD person.  Not necessarily in a bad way, but in an extremely organized kind of way.  My closet is organized by shirt sleeve length and by season.  I mean seriously...who wants to search for 5 minutes to find that 3/4 length shirt that matches perfectly with a black pencil skirt?!  My professional life is the same way.  My outlook calendar is detailed with every conference call, every deadline, and every task that needs to be done.  So although that list might be long, my deadline is 11:59pm tonight and it will all be completed.

As with everyone, life gets busy and we find ourselves making excuses of why we can't fit in certain things.  Fitness can be incorporated into your life in many different ways that don't take up a lot of time.  If you're like me, you're the QUEEN of multitasking to complete that ever growing "to-do" list.  So tonight, even though it's later than I normally would do a workout, I found myself doing a 45 minute elliptical workout followed by 10 minutes of abs and 5 minutes of stretching.  During my elliptical workout I wanted to make the most out of my 45 minutes not only by pretending there was a ceiling over my head so I was not bouncing around like a crazy girl, but I had my favorite cardio jam playlist going and was responding to emails as well.  In 45 minutes, I not only burned 475 calories, but I closed a successful business deal as well!  In 60 minutes, I was able to conquer a cardio workout, increase my flexibility and build some core strength...not bad for a girl that procrastinated all day!

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